Monday, January 23, 2012

Let's catch up

After the personal victory at the half-marathon in October I see in retrospect my mistakes.  Not in the race itself i ran it just as planned.  My mistake was in recovery.  I had a Halloween party that night so after running a personal best 13.1 miles I partied and drank until after midnight (no nap).  Same thing happened on New Years Eve except you can substitute 13.1 for 16.  I was so intent on making sure I got my miles in that I was not resting properly.  You may be asking yourself why do I bring this up in mid January?  It has finally caught up with me.

I was making comments almost daily in my running log about being tired and concern about overtraining and needing a break.  I even went to Runners World and took their "Are You Overtraining?" quiz.  According to the test I was doing fine.  When out of the blue a 24 hour stomach flu. It came complete with chills, fever, nausea and various and sundry GI issues.  Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are shot no running.

Saturday I run my 16 mile long run.  It was tough but I manage with a 9:45 average.  For the first time I'm beging to doubt.  I feel like time is running out and my endurance is not where it needs to be.

I understand the concept.  You train and train and train tired so that by the time you taper everything is great and the energy and endurance is there.  Still sucks.

Be Good And You Will Be Lonesome

I've been thinking a lot lately about a song released in 1988, on the album Hot Water by Jimmy Buffett, called "That's What Liv...